The product backlog

At our last product anonymous session, we discussed backlogs.

… That is, after we navigated around the comedy show & had a bit of a get to know you session as there were a few new faces!!

To follow up… here’s a few good articles on the backlog:

How Uservoice uses Trello to manage their backlog

A great article on the agile’product owner’ role from on product management which puts the focus of the product role on prioritising stories – Good Bye “Product Owner”, Hello “Backlog Manager”

Pragmatic webinar with Luke Hohmann Prioritizing Your Backlog for Profit & an article by Luke about how prioritising the agile backlog for roi doesn’t work.

April 19 Thursday – Product Anonymous drinks

Hi all,

Our next meetup is in a couple weeks – Thursday April 19th. Most likely we’ll be at the Bear & Bull again on Flinders Lane – though just confirming that now. (UPDATE: yes, it will be at bear & bull on flinders ln between Elizabeth & Queen. We’ll be in the backroom at 6p & kicking off the topic by 630p)

There’s 2 topics we’ve been floating. Feel free to contact us about these or other ideas. If you have a subject you’d like to present on (the ones below or others), let us know.

Topic 1 – infographics & the product manager – this could go in a couple directions (or maybe both!) as the conversation started about using infographics as job descriptions & what the PM role infographic would contain. it also got me thinking about communication & visual techniques. Has anyone used mindmapping, visually mapped the user journey, used some sort of infographic or visual method to communicate? We could explore a few techniques, stories & create a couple artifacts.

Topic 2 – How do you manage your backlog? wishlist? feature requests? are all those things the same or different for you? What are the best tools out there? Do customers interact with your list? Sharing best practices, frustrations & wins will be the topic here.

Come down & say hi! See you there! Have a great Easter break!

Thursday April 19th @ Bear & Bull on Flinders Ln