Our next event on the 20th of March is all about the skills needed to master UX! Really, you ask? Yes really!
The fabulous Matt Magain, co-founder of UX Mastery and the fabulous Fox Woods, freelance user experience architect and co-founder of Girls Club Melbourne, will look at the 5 skills required for UX mastery and how to incorporate them whether you have a UX team to work with or if you’re the sole UX representative.
They will talk about what skills UX experts specifically bring to your team and which skills product managers may already have and can hone further. They will share practical exercises for improving these skills.
Note the new location: The Governor’s Lounge, Royal Melbourne Hotel is just off the corner of Bourke & Spencer (almost directly across from previous location of the Mail Exchange Hotel).
Time: 6-6:30pm arrival & drinks. Talk starts at 6:30pm. We wrap up about 8pm.