Thursday nite & April dates

First I’d like to thank the spammer who’s work took up several hours of my public holiday today. Sigh….

On a happier note… this Thursday evening (March 15th) is Brainmates‘ 1st Melbourne based Product Talk. Join brainmates’ co-director & lead trainer, Nick Coster, and panellists to discuss communicating product management’s value to the c suite.

Even if you can’t be there in person, make sure you submit questions to the Brainmates’site or tweet @brainmates (hashtag #bmtalk).

Make sure you RSVP too!!!

While you’re marking your calendars, pencil in Thursday April 19th for the next product anonymous meeting. Details to come. If there’s something in particular you’d like to talk about or any guest speakers you think we should invite, please let us know (comment below or tweet us at @product_anon).

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