December event: Product Management at Startups with Rich Mironov

Normally we have a end of year party in late November & then take a break til the new year due to how busy everyone is in December.  This year we had to change our plans because we couldn’t pass up having a session with Rich Mironov.

For those who don’t follow him on Twitter or his blog, Rich is the author of ‘The Art of Product Management’, he’s been a product manager, a coach, a consultant, a CEO, worked in agile environments, been at start-ups & otherwise – and I’m probably missing a bunch of achievements. 😉

When Rich started talking about a trip to Australia and a workshop for Brainmates, obviously he had to come to Melbourne for Product Anonymous 🙂    BTW, check out Rich’s roadmapping workshop … Sydney only.

Thus, why you should RSVP now for Thursday Dec 4th when Rich will be talking about product management at start-ups and specifically ‘Why your start-up will (eventually) need a product manager’.  More on Meetup RSVP page…


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