Update: next meetup, Linkedin, Facebook & such

We’ve been a little quiet lately… between work, travel & stuff in general, there hasn’t been much time for planning product anon events.

We finally had a chance today to sit down … & look out Melbourne product managers!

The next meeting will be Thursday July 26th. Topic & bar to be confirmed (though probably our usual the – Bear & Bull on Flinders Ln). We’ve also pulled together a bit of a schedule for the rest of the year so more to come on this.

We also discussed communication. So far we’ve been using this site & Twitter to keep everyone updated. Now we’ve setup a Linkedin group for folks who prefer to get their information there & a Facebook group probably isn’t far off. We’ve talked about setting up a Yammer group but there doesn’t seem to be a way for orgs like this to have a yammer group except as an external network of an existing company.

What other ways would you like to keep in touch?

Product Camp Sydney 2012

Last Saturday, Brainmates hosted Product Camp Sydney. This is the 5th Product Camps I’ve attended & as always it’s a great day.

For those who haven’t been to a product camp before, it’s a full day of conversation around the topics we product managers deal with every day. The big difference from any other day though is instead of being deep into the detail of defining that feature or creating a position statement, it’s focused on best practice, thinking about the role at a higher level, sharing experiences & picking up a few new tips! If you haven’t been to a camp before, I highly recommend it!

The Brainmates crew did a great job both in organising this year’s session & pulling together the notes on their blog. You can read a wrap-up on their blog. They’ve also added notes on 2 of the sessions:

Melbourne folks – make sure you mark Oct 20th in your calendar as that’s the next product camp down here.