Product Camp – Saturday July 20th

In case you’ve missed our messages on Twitter, Linkedin and this site, there is no Product Anonymous session in July because Product Camp Melbourne takes place on Saturday the 20th.

Go register now! It’s going to be a great day because product camps are always inspiring, fun and rewarding. Read my take on why you should attend and Nick’s summary of the Product Camp Sydney he attended last month.

If you’re still wondering what the experience is like, check out the list of suggested topics. These topics will be voted on online & at camp. If you want to give a talk or lead a round table discussion on a specific topic, please add it to the uservoice listing.

There will be 2 keynote talks as well. We’re finalising the detail so watch for them soon!

And feel free to ask us any questions about camp as Liz & I are on the organising committee.

Product Anonymous will return to its regularly scheduled meetups in August. Thursday August 22nd to be exact!

June 20th event: Art of Decision Making for Product Managers

The Art of Decision Making for Product Managers

Nothing happens without a decision being made but sometimes (often!) getting to a decision is hard work.   We’ll explore the art of decision making for product managers  – both strategic and daily tactical decisions.   Learn how to improve your influence through decisions,  including tools to assist with better decision making.    Check out this article to get you thinking.

Join us on Thursday June 20th at the Mail Exchange Hotel at the corner of Bourke & Spencer.  Full RSVP info on eventbrite.

Bio: Steve Bauer is a Product Guy.  He is passionate about product management; the vision, the product and the team that brings it to life.  He is currently the Product Development Manager for Mobile at Telstra Wholesale, and has a background in mobile; including with Nokia, Symbian and Samsung.


Guest Post: Product Camp Sydney

In our first guest post,  Nicolas Strybosch talks about his experience at Product Camp Sydney earlier this month. With Product Camp Melbourne set for July 20th, it’s a bit of a preview of how camp works & what you’ll be missing out on if we don’t see you on the 20th.  

I hit Sydney ProductCamp with the sleep-deprived intensity and hunger that only a 7am weekend flight induces. Thankfully croissants and coffee were supplied, and I had the chance to cruise around the Atlassian offices and strike up a few conversations before the morning keynote.

The first keynote compared startups to the enterprise from a player who’s been in both worlds. Paul Gray (@paulalexgray) kicked off with a tongue-in-cheek ripping apart of a formal product management framework and rephrasing it into the startup world, before going into a list of lessons that startups can learn from enterprise and vice-versa. The entire list is actually a great guide to product management in general – worth framing for the mantle piece.

Next up: the unconference part.

30-second pitches from people interested in presenting or facilitating discussions. While this was impromptu, everyone was in fine form and voting was tough. The organisers split the talks into 3 streams (to facilitate a manageable group size rather than theme), and I took a punt on Aaron from Lexer and his talk on “Employing Social Data for Passive Insights“. The punt paid off, as Aaron was engaging and his examples – ranging from PayTV to Yoghurt – were used to good effect in explaining how social data is just waiting to be trawled for insights. You just need the tools to mine it and know how to analyse it (catch!). Great for consumer facing products, though I’m going to try using social to build out personas for a B2B product.

After lunch Matthew Hodgson had the whole room to explain the “New New Product Development Game“. If you’re familiar with lean and agile already, it was a good history lesson that starts pre-internet in the manufacturing industry. If you’re not so familiar and are sick of the hype-without-substance, then this was the evidence based case for adopting it.

The last few talks I attended focussed on the Build-Measure-Learn directive: David Neale explaining Cohort Analysis and Shaun Clowes on Growth Hacking.

David’s simple charts and images illustrated his points well, highlighting a few metrics which should be measured on every product. If you’re interested in more, check out the excellent Lean Analytics book and start measuring. Shaun (who won the best speaker prize) is an energised presenter who clearly loves his day job. As a growth hacker, he’s charged with optimising…well, everything. Experimentation is the name of the game, and if you’re getting success from 5% of all your experiments, then you’re doing well.

Between sessions I met a great variety of friendly people, all passionate about product management and marketing. Unfortunately I missed some great sessions, though the one at the bar afterwards did round out a great day.

More slides from Product Camp Sydney can be found on their slideshare.

Find out more about Product Camp Melbourne, RSVP or suggest a topic.


May 30th event – Reflection & learnings of a newbie product manager

Adoption of a Product Manager – Reflection & Learnings of the 1st year

This session will focus on what this newly minted product manager learnt in his first year of on-the-job product management training & a back-to-basics approach to learning & simplifing the product management process.

If you’re new to product management or interested in what the role is really like, you’ll get some great insights.

If you’ve been around the block for a while or manage/mentor product managers, this talk will give you fresh eyes on how to make the newbie product manager experience better to help them (& you) succeed faster.

Speaker: Vaughn Harber is a product manager for several modules of PageUp People’s integrated talent management software. Until the interview for his current role, he had never heard of this thing called ‘product management’ but it sounded interesting. Now he can’t imagine doing anything else.

Location: Mail Exchange Hotel on the corner of Collins & Spencer. Once down the escalator, walk to the left of the bar which leads to the restaurant. We’ll be in the function room at the far left of the restaurant.

Time: 6 – 6:30p – arrival & drinks.  Talk starts at 6:30pm

RSVP here

February’s Product Anon gets social – Feb 21

We’re a social bunch to begin with but at our next session we’ll go meta & be social while talking social & product management.

Will being social make you a better product manager? Have you found it valuable or yet another distraction?

Join us to talk about the ways you can use social products & strategies to make your product better while being a better product manager. Share your tips on using social media & other products.

Different location!!! We’ll be at Mail Exchange Hotel 688 Bourke St (near the corner of Bourke & Spencer). We’ll be in one of the function rooms. Go down the escalator, head to the left side of the bar where the tables are. The function rooms are behind sliding doors in the dining area. Reservation is under Jen’s name.

6-6:30p – drinks & chat
6:30p – talk starts


Add Product Anonymous events to your calendar automagically

We’ve setup a public google calendar for our events so you can subscribe & have the events automagically appear in your calendar.

Scroll below to where you see the calendar & click on the Google Calendar icon at the bottom of the embedded calendar. That should open your Gcal so you can add it.


Within Google calendar, go to Other Calendars on the left side of your screen. Click the downwards arrow next to it & select Add by URL. Cut & paste the ical link below. Ignore the ‘Make calendar publically accessible’ tickbox because we’ve already done that! 🙂 Click Add Calendar & you should be good to go.

Need ical?  Then cut & paste this link:

Google has a help page on how to add calendars

Product Innovation Seminar on Friday 18th

Just hearing about this so it’s a bit of a late notice but:

Key Results of the 2012 Dutch [Product Innovation] Competitive Performance Assessment Study.

Friday Jan 18th 1-2pm

Who: Professor H.J. Hultink (Erik Jan). Professor of New Product Marketing. Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

Where: School of Economics, Finance and Marketing. RMIT University. Level 11, Room 10, Building 80, 445 Swanston Street (80.11.10).

This seminar examines the performance of Dutch companies, their innovation practices, and their associated innovation performance. The lessons emanating from these findings are presented and implications for Australian innovators discussed.

Brief Bio:

Erik Jan Hultink is a Professor of New Product Marketing at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. His research focuses on launch and branding strategies for new products. He has published on these topics in such journals as the Journal of the Academy in Marketing Science, and the Journal of Product Innovation Management. He was ranked number six in the list of the World’s Top Innovation Management Scholars, and selected as the most productive European researcher publishing in the Journal of Product Innovation Management. He is co-founder and board member of the Dutch chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA). He regularly consults companies on the topic of new product launch, and frequently appears on the Dutch television and radio commenting on the success and failure chances of new products.

Thurs Jan 24- 1st Product Anon of 2013

Hope everyone had an awesome break!!

If you were at our end of the year drinks, you might have heard about the January topic being planned.  I think we may have persuaded Chris to kick off the year after a few drinks were had 🙂

Please join us Thursday the 24th for a drink, a chat and Chris Dahl on the importance of taking a break:

Why Product Managers need regular escapes from the daily grind

Whilst the Product Manager role wears multiple hats, it’s critical that it has a primary focus on the future direction of the product (i.e. new opportunities, innovative feature competition doesn’t have).

This can prove to be a challenge for Product Managers when you have the daily grind of e-mail, customer requests & calls, and prioritisation. It’s important for us to recognise these distractions, and ensure we don’t let them inhibit innovative and high-value product development.

Location confirmed as Bull & Bear on Flinders Lane

RSVP now!